Self Cleaning Punches

Self Cleaning Punches, also called "Side Outlet Punches" are often used to cut materials such as cardstock, plywood, fiberboard, masonite and similar thick or difficult materials. Self Cleaning Punches provide for disks to exhaust through a machined hole in the side of the punch body. Self cleaning Punches are available with a variety of base and cutting bevel options as indicated below. They are also available in Heavy Duty Thru Hardened tool steel for extra strength and durability.

Standard Heights: 3/4", .918", .923", .937", 1", 1 1/8", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" and 2"
All listed cutting sizes are available in all standard heights with no setup charge.

Cutting Sizes Base Sizes
  • Cutting sizes from 1/16" (0.0625") – 1" (1.0")
      Fraction Decimal Standard Alternate Sizes
      1/32 .031 1/8
      1/16 .0625 3/16 1/8 1/4
      5/64 .078 3/16 1/8 1/4
      3/32 .094 3/16 1/4
      7/64 .109 1/4 3/16
      1/8 .125 1/4 3/16 5/16
      9/64 .140 1/4 5/16
      5/32 .156 1/4 5/16
      11/64 .172 5/16 1/4 3/8
      3/16 .1875 5/16 1/4 3/8
      13/64 .203 5/16 1/4 3/8
      7/32 .219 3/8 5/16
      15/64 .234 3/8 5/16 7/16
      1/4 .250 3/8 5/16 7/16
      17/64 .265 3/8 7/16
      9/32 .281 3/8 7/16
      19/64 .296 7/16 1/2
      5/16 .3125 7/16 1/2
      11/32 .344 1/2 9/16
      3/8 .375 1/2 9/16
      13/32 .406 1/2 9/16
      7/16 .4375 9/16 5/8
      15/32 .469 5/8 3/4
      1/2 .500 5/8 3/4
      9/16 .5625 11/16 3/4
      5/8 .625 3/4 7/8 1"
      3/4 .750 7/8 15/16 1"
      7/8 .875 1" 1 1/8

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